Understand the Reverse Martingale Strategy and Its Benefits

The reverse martingale strategy, also known as the “paroli” or “positive progression” system, is a betting system that involves increasing the size of your bets after a win and decreasing your bets after a loss. You can try this strategy when playing live dealer roulette at our live dealer lounge.

Unlike the traditional martingale strategy, which calls for doubling your bets after a loss, the reverse martingale encourages you to take a more aggressive approach and aim for multiple wins in a row. This strategy can be applied to various games of chance, such as blackjack, craps, and even sports betting, where the goal is to capitalize on winning streaks and minimize losses.

inverse martingale system

Reverse Martingale System

Feeling lucky? Then give the Reverse Martingale a try! This system flips the traditional Martingale strategy on its head by having you double your bet after each win, instead of each loss. Start off by placing a tiny bet on an even-numbered outcome.

Keep betting the same amount until you score a win, then double your bet for the next round. If you lose, no sweat – just start the process over again with another teeny-tiny wager. Read more on our best roulette strategies so you can make informed decisions based on data and statistics when playing roulette.

Round Bet ($) Outcome Probability Total Profit
1 1 Win 48.6% 1
2 2 Win 24.3% 3
3 4 Win 12.15% 7
4 8 Win 6.08% 15
5 16 Win 3.04% 31
6 32 Win 1.52% 63
7 64 Win 0.76% 127
8 128 Win 0.38% 255
9 256 Win 0.19% 511
10 512 Win 0.09% 1023
11 1024 Win 0.045% 2047
12 2048 Win 0.023% 4097
13 4098 Loss -1

The Reverse Martingale strategy is all about riding the waves of luck – bet more when you’re on a winning streak, and cut back when you’re not. According to fans of this system, it’s a safe and consistent way to come out ahead in the long run. Of course, no betting system is foolproof, so keep that in mind as you try it out.

Reverse Martingale Probability

The probability of success with the reverse martingale strategy can be difficult to calculate, as it depends on the game you are playing and the specific probabilities of each outcome. However, it is generally believed that this system can be successful in the short term due to its reliance on winning streaks. 

When you are on a winning streak, the reverse martingale system allows you to increase your bets and potentially maximize your profits. However, it is important to note that this strategy can also lead to significant losses if you experience a prolonged losing streak.

It is worth noting that any betting system that involves increasing your bets after a win, such as the reverse martingale, is inherently riskier than a flat betting strategy, where you always wager the same amount. 

This is because you are increasing your potential losses as well as your potential winnings. As with any betting system, it is important to use the reverse martingale responsibly and within your means, and to have a clear understanding of the risks involved.

reverse martingale roulette strategy

Difference Between Martingale vs Reverse Martingale

The Martingale roulette system is a popular betting strategy that involves doubling your bet after each loss in an effort to recoup your losses and turn a profit. For example, if you start by betting $1 and lose, you would bet $2 on the next spin. 

If you lose again, you would bet $4, and so on. The idea behind the Martingale system is that eventually, you will win, and this will allow you to recover all of your previous losses and turn a profit.

The inverse Martingale system, also known as the “paroli” or “positive progression” system, works in the opposite way. Instead of doubling your bet after each loss, you double your bet after each win. 

For example, if you start by betting $1 and win, you would bet $2 on the next spin. If you win again, you would bet $4, and so on. The inverse Martingale system is based on the idea that wins and losses often come in streaks, and by betting more during winning streaks and less during losing streaks, you can potentially maximize your profits.

While both systems can be used in roulette, as well as other games of chance, it is important to note that both the Martingale and inverse Martingale systems involve an element of risk. The Martingale system can lead to significant losses if you experience a prolonged losing streak, while the inverse Martingale system can lead to large wins but also large losses if your winning streak ends. 

As with any betting system, it is important to use these strategies responsibly and within your means.


reverse martingale roulette strategy (1)

Advantages of using the Reverse Martingale Strategy

The Reverse Martingale strategy has a few sweet perks, like not having to worry about big losses during a losing streak. You just keep betting the minimum until you get back on track. And when you’re doubling your bets, you’re essentially using the casino’s money to your advantage. 

Plus, a string of wins can add up fast and lead to some serious profits – as long as your streak keeps going strong. With its ease of use and relatively low risk, the Reverse Martingale is a great option for new players

Disadvantages of using the Reverse Martingale Strategy

Just a heads up – if you decide to give the Reverse Martingale a try, be prepared for a fair share of losses. Keep in mind that the odds aren’t exactly in your favor, with even bets having just a 48.6% chance of winning (thanks to that pesky green zero slot). And if you’re playing American Roulette, with its two zeros, your chances get even lower. But don’t worry, you won’t lose much money on these losses since you’re only betting the minimum.

However, the real problem with this system is the potential for one loss to wipe out all your profits. It’s tough to know when to call it quits, and not everyone has the discipline to do so. Some say it’s the casino’s money you’re losing, but we say it’s your hard-won winnings going down the drain. Keep that in mind as you try to ride your winning streak.

Approaches to the Inverse Martingale System in Roulette

There are several approaches to the inverse Martingale strategy that can be used in roulette. Here are a few examples:

Flat betting: With this approach, you start by betting a fixed amount on a single number or group of numbers. You then continue to bet the same amount until you either win or lose. If you win, you double your bet for the next spin. If you lose, you restart the process with your original bet.

Progressive betting: This approach involves starting with a small bet and gradually increasing the size of your bets as you go along. For example, you might start by betting $1, then increase your bet to $2, $4, and so on after each win. If you lose, you go back to your original bet.

Conditional betting: This approach involves using a set of conditions to determine when to double your bets. For example, you might decide to double your bet after two consecutive wins, or if you have won three out of the last five spins.

It is worth noting that each of these approaches to the inverse Martingale strategy carries its own set of risks and rewards, and it is up to the individual player to decide which approach works best for them. As with any betting system, it is important to use the inverse Martingale responsibly and within your means.

3-Step Reverse Martingale

The 3-Step Reverse Martingale is a variation of the traditional inverse Martingale betting system that involves increasing your bets in three steps rather than doubling them after each win. Here is how it works:

Start with a small bet: Choose a base bet that you are comfortable with, such as $1 or $2.

Increase your bet by one unit after a win: If you win your first bet, increase your bet by one unit (e.g. $1 or $2) on the next spin. If you win again, increase your bet by one more unit.

Reset your bet after three wins: If you win three bets in a row, reset your bet to your base amount and start the process over again.

The 3-Step Reverse Martingale is often used by players who want to minimize their risk while still taking advantage of winning streaks. It is important to note that this system, like any betting system, involves an element of risk, and it is up to the individual player to decide whether it is a suitable approach for them. As with any betting system, it is important to use the 3-Step Reverse Martingale responsibly and within your means.

Probability of Bankruptcy

There is a probability of bankruptcy when using the reverse Martingale system, as with any betting system that involves increasing your bets after a win. This is because you are increasing your potential losses as well as your potential winnings. If you experience a losing streak while using the reverse Martingale, you could potentially lose a significant amount of money.

One way to mitigate this risk is to set limits for yourself, such as a maximum bet size or a maximum number of consecutive losses that you are willing to accept before resetting your bets. It is also important to be aware of the specific odds of the game you are playing, as well as your own financial limits, and to use the reverse Martingale responsibly and within your means.

It is worth noting that no betting system can guarantee a profit, and it is important to approach gambling with the understanding that you may lose money. It is important to always gamble responsibly and within your means.

Concluding the Reverse Martingale Roulette Strategy

In conclusion, whether or not you should use the reverse Martingale strategy is a personal decision that depends on your goals and risk tolerance. This system can be a good option for players who want to capitalize on winning streaks and minimize their losses, as it allows you to increase your bets after a win and reset them after a loss. 

However, it is important to keep in mind that the reverse Martingale, like any betting system, involves an element of risk. If you experience a prolonged losing streak, you could potentially lose a significant amount of money.

It is also worth noting that no betting system can guarantee a profit, and it is important to approach gambling with the understanding that you may lose money. It is important to always gamble responsibly and within your means. Ultimately, the decision to use the reverse Martingale or any other betting system is up to you and should be based on your own goals and risk tolerance.